Search for tag: "bed"

IMS 2022 Demo: 6G Test Bed Operating at 141 GHz

Randy Becker, Application Engineer at Keysight, takes a look at full sub-THz 6G test bed operating at 141 GHz to explore various applications in this high frequency range for future communications…

From  Microwave Journal 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Sivers Semiconductors and Mixcomm: Bringing mmWave Technology to New Markets

Microwave Journal Media Director, Pat Hindle, talks with Sivers Semiconductors CEO, Anders Storm; Mixcomm CEO, Mike Noonen; and Mixcomm Co-Founder/CTO, Harish Krishnaswamy, about the synergies of…

From  Microwave Journal 0 likes 8 plays 0