Search for tag: "errors"

Keysight NTN Demonstration for LEO Satellites

Keysight demonstrates testing a non-terrestrial network (NTN) setup using a base station emulator and 5G NTN enabled phone unit at IMS 2023 in San Diego.

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IMS 2021 - Understanding Your True Device Performance by Including Measurement Uncertainty

Thanks for visiting the IMS 2021 Virtual Conference! We hope you enjoy Maury Microwave's presentation on Understanding Your True Device Performance by Including Measurement Uncertainty. …

From  Microwave Journal 0 likes 9 plays 0  

How to Optimize Lossy Long Cable Measurements with a VNA

Sometimes the RF reflection measurement which needs to be made is on the end of a lossy coaxial cable. How can this be done? Is it even possible? The answer is… maybe. The best answer is to…

From  Microwave Journal 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Quantify and reduce measurement uncertainty for more accurate and repeatable S-parameters

In this video, Chase Gibson demonstrates how Insight can be used to characterize/quantify the individual measurement uncertainty contributions of a VNA, calibration kit, cable assemblies and…

From  Microwave Journal 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Non-conventional Calibration

There are many different methods that can be used to calibrate a VNA. CMT’s Senior RF Engineer Brian Walker discusses various forms of calibration and the benefits of each.

From  Microwave Journal 0 likes 4 plays 0  

RWW 21 - Measurement Uncertainty Analysis and PA Design with Uncertainty Added S-Parameters

Tekamul Buber, Senior Principal Engineer at Maury Microwave, discusses the motivation of using S-parameters with uncertainty, compares traditional and enhanced VNA measurement models, and finally…

From  Microwave Journal 0 likes 6 plays 0  

IMS 20 - Measuring S-Parameters with Uncertainties

Osman Ceylan, Senior Application Engineer at Maury Microwave, discusses the concepts behind the classical VNA measurement model and the evolution to an enhanced model that includes uncertainties,…

From  Microwave Journal 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Calibration of VNAs

Before actually making any measurements it’s important to calibrate your VNA. This video explains why it’s important to calibrate your VNA while highlighting some different types of…

From  Microwave Journal 0 likes 5 plays 0